RTL Design/Verilog 연습

1 bit Comparator

유로 청년 2024. 6. 30. 13:59

1. 1 bit Comparator (by using case)


// Behavioral Modeling of 1bit comparator (by using case)
module Comparator_1bit_Behavioral_Modeling_by_using_case(
    input a, b,
    output reg equal, greater, less);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b}) 
            2'b00 : begin equal = 1; greater = 0; less = 0; end
            2'b01 : begin equal = 0; greater = 0; less = 1; end
            2'b10 : begin equal = 0; greater = 1; less = 0; end
            2'b11 : begin equal = 1; greater = 0; less = 0; end




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2. 1 bit Comparator (by using if-else)


module Comparator_1bit_Behavioral_Modeling_by_using_if_else(
    input a, b,
    output reg equal, greater, less);
    always @(a, b) begin
           if(a == b) begin equal = 1; greater = 0; less = 0; end
           else if(a > b) begin equal = 0; greater = 1; less = 0; end
           else begin equal = 0; greater = 0; less = 1; end




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3. 1 bit Comparator (Structural Modeling)


// Behavioral Modeling of xnor gate.
module xnor_gate (
    input a, b,
    output reg out);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b})
            2'b00 : out = 1;
            2'b01 : out = 0;
            2'b10 : out = 0;
            2'b11 : out = 1;

// Behavioral Modeling of and gate.
module and_gate (
    input a, b,
    output reg out);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b})
            2'b00 : out = 0;
            2'b01 : out = 0;
            2'b10 : out = 0;
            2'b11 : out = 1;

// Structural Modeling of 1 bit Comparator.
module Comparator_1bit_Structural_Modeling(
    input a, b,
    output equal, greater, less );
    xnor_gate xnor0 (a, b, equal);
    and_gate and0 (a, ~b, greater);
    and_gate and1 (~a, b, less); 




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4. 1 bit Comparator (Dataflow Modeling)


// Dataflow Modeling of 1 bit Comparator.
module Comparator_1bit_Dataflow_Modeling(
    input a, b,
    output equal, greater, less );
    assign equal = (a==b)? 1 : 0;
    assign greater = (a>b)? 1 : 0;
    assign less = (a<b)? 1 : 0;




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