RTL Design/Verilog 연습
JK Flip Flop
유로 청년
2024. 7. 11. 11:35
1. Behavioral modeling of JK Flip Flop (Positive edge)
< Source code >
// Behavioral modeling of JK Flip Flop
module Behavioral_modeling_of_JK_Flip_Flop_Positive(
input j, k,
input clk, enable, reset,
output reg q );
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) q = 0;
else if(enable) begin
if(j == 0 && k == 0) q = q;
else if(j == 1 && k == 0) q = 1;
else if(j == 0 && k == 1) q = 0;
else q = ~q;
else q = q;
< Simulation >
< RTL analysis >
< Synthesis >
2. Behavioral modeling of JK Flip Flop (Negative edge)
< Source code >
// Behavioral modeling of JK Flip Flop
module Behavioral_Modeling_of_JK_Flip_Flop_Negative(
input j, k,
input clk, enable, reset,
output reg q );
always @(negedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) q = 0;
else if(enable) begin
if(j == 0 && k ==0) q = q;
else if(j == 0 && k ==1) q = 0;
else if(j == 1 && k ==0) q = 1;
else q = ~q;
else q = q;
< Simulation >
< RTL analysis >
< Synthesis >