RTL Design/Verilog 연습
4X4 Matrix KeyPad - 1
유로 청년
2024. 8. 9. 12:07
1. 4X4 Matrix KeyPad
- 전체적인 코드에 대한 설명은 아래 게시글 참고하길 바란다.
Verilog RTL 설계(7월 22일 - 1, 4X4 Matrix Keyboard - 1)
1. 4X4 Matrix Keyboard4X4 Matrix Keyboard는 다음과 같은 회로도를 같는다.Row와 Column간에 회로 연결은 16개의 Switch간에 연결되어 있다. 2. 어떻게 버튼이 눌렀는지를 확인하는가?Row 값(R1, R2, R3, R4)들이
< Source, Edge detector >
// Edge detector
module edge_detector (
input clk, reset_p,
input cp,
output p_edge, n_edge );
reg flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) begin flip_flop_current <= 0; flip_flop_old <= 0; end
else begin
flip_flop_current <= cp;
flip_flop_old <= flip_flop_current;
assign p_edge = ({flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old} == 2'b10)? 1 : 0;
assign n_edge = ({flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old} == 2'b01)? 1 : 0;
< Source, Decoder of 7-segment >
// Decoder of 7-seg
module decoder_seg7 (
input [3:0] hex_value,
output reg [7:0] seg_7 );
always @(hex_value) begin
0 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_0011; //common anode, 0이 켜지는거임
1 : seg_7 = 8'b1001_1111; // 1
2 : seg_7 = 8'b0010_0101; // 2
3 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_1101; // 3
4 : seg_7 = 8'b1001_1001; // 4
5 : seg_7 = 8'b0100_1001; // 5
6 : seg_7 = 8'b0100_0001; // 6
7 : seg_7 = 8'b0001_1111; // 7
8 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_0001; // 8
9 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_1001; // 9
10 : seg_7 = 8'b0001_0001; // A
11 : seg_7 = 8'b1100_0001; // b
12 : seg_7 = 8'b0110_0011; // C
13 : seg_7 = 8'b1000_0101; // d
14 : seg_7 = 8'b0110_0001; // E
15 : seg_7 = 8'b0111_0001; // F
< Source, Ring counter of com >
// Ring Counter of com
module ring_counter (
input clk, reset_p,
output reg [3:0] com );
// Get 1msec One Cycle Pulse.
wire clk_1usec, clk_1msec;
clk_div_100 clk_div_1usec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_div_100(clk_1usec));
clk_div_1000 clk_div_1msec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_source(clk_1usec), .clk_div_1000_nedge(clk_1msec));
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) com = 4'b1110;
else if(clk_1msec) com = {com[2:0], com[3]};
< Source, FND Control >
// FND Control
module fnd_cntr (
input clk, reset_p,
input [15:0] hex_value,
output [3:0] com,
output [7:0] seg_7 );
ring_counter ring_counter_com (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .com(com));
reg [3:0] value;
always @(*) begin
case (com)
4'b1110 : value = hex_value [3:0];
4'b1101 : value = hex_value [7:4];
4'b1011 : value = hex_value [11:8];
4'b0111 : value = hex_value [15:12];
default : value = value;
decoder_seg7 decoder_7_segment (.hex_value(value), .seg_7(seg_7));
< Source, Clock divider 1000 >
// Clock Divider 1000
module clk_div_1000 (
input clk, reset_p,
input clk_source,
output clk_div_1000,
output clk_div_1000_nedge, clk_div_1000_pedge );
// Get one cycle pulse of clk_source
wire clk_source_nedge;
edge_detector edge_detector_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_source), .n_edge(clk_source_nedge));
// Prescaling 1000
reg [9:0] count;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) count = 0;
else if(clk_source_nedge) begin
if(count >= 999) count = 0;
else count = count + 1;
assign clk_div_1000 = (count < 500)? 0 : 1;
edge_detector edge_detector_1 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_div_1000), .p_edge(clk_div_1000__pedge), .n_edge(clk_div_1000_nedge));
< Source, Clock divider 100 >
// Clock Divider 100
module clk_div_100 (
input clk, reset_p,
output clk_div_100,
output clk_div_100_nedge, clk_div_100_pedge );
reg [6:0] count;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) count = 0;
else begin
if(count >= 99) count = 0;
else count = count + 1;
assign clk_div_100 = (count < 50)? 0 : 1;
edge_detector edge_detector_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_div_100), .p_edge(clk_div_100__pedge), .n_edge(clk_div_100_nedge));
< Source, Control KeyPad >
// Control KeyPad
module keypad_cntr (
input clk, reset_p,
input [3:0] col,
output reg [3:0] key_value,
output reg [3:0] row);
// Press Release LED
assign press_release_led = press_release;
// Declare press_release value
// press_release = 1 이면 버튼 눌림
// press_release = 0 이면 버튼 누르지 않음
reg press_release;
// Get 1msec One Cycle Pulse.
wire clk_1usec, clk_1msec;
clk_div_100 clk_div_1usec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_div_100(clk_1usec));
clk_div_1000 clk_div_1msec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_source(clk_1usec), .clk_div_1000_nedge(clk_1msec));
// 버튼이 누르지 않은 상태와 1msec One Cycle Pulse가 활성화 상태이면 Row값 Shifting
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) row = 4'b0001;
else if(clk_1msec && !press_release) row = {row[2:0], row[3]};
// 버튼이 눌렀음을 확인하는 방법 : col 값이 0이 아닌 경우
// case 문과 Behavioral modeling 을 통해 어느 버튼이 눌렀음을 확인
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) begin key_value = 0; press_release = 0; end
else if(clk_1msec && col) begin
press_release = 1;
case({row, col})
8'b0001_0001 : key_value = 4'h3;
8'b0001_0010 : key_value = 4'h2;
8'b0001_0100 : key_value = 4'h1;
8'b0001_1000 : key_value = 4'h0;
8'b0010_0001 : key_value = 4'h7;
8'b0010_0010 : key_value = 4'h6;
8'b0010_0100 : key_value = 4'h5;
8'b0010_1000 : key_value = 4'h4;
8'b0100_0001 : key_value = 4'hb;
8'b0100_0010 : key_value = 4'ha;
8'b0100_0100 : key_value = 4'h9;
8'b0100_1000 : key_value = 4'h8;
8'b1000_0001 : key_value = 4'hf;
8'b1000_0010 : key_value = 4'he;
8'b1000_0100 : key_value = 4'hd;
8'b1000_1000 : key_value = 4'hc;
default : key_value = key_value;
else press_release = 0;
< Source, Top Module of KeyPad >
// Top Module of KeyPad
module KeyPad_0(
input clk, reset_p,
input [3:0] col,
output press_release_led,
output [3:0] row,
output [3:0] com,
output [7:0] seg_7 );
// Get key value.
wire [3:0] key_value;
keypad_cntr keypad_cntr_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .col(col), .key_value(key_value), .row(row));
// Print key_value to FND
fnd_cntr fnd_cntr_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .hex_value({12'b0, key_value}), .com(com), .seg_7(seg_7));
2. 구현 연상
3. 전체 소스 코드
// Top Module of KeyPad
module KeyPad_0(
input clk, reset_p,
input [3:0] col,
output press_release_led,
output [3:0] row,
output [3:0] com,
output [7:0] seg_7 );
// Get key value.
wire [3:0] key_value;
keypad_cntr keypad_cntr_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .col(col), .key_value(key_value), .row(row));
// Print key_value to FND
fnd_cntr fnd_cntr_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .hex_value({12'b0, key_value}), .com(com), .seg_7(seg_7));
// Control KeyPad
module keypad_cntr (
input clk, reset_p,
input [3:0] col,
output reg [3:0] key_value,
output reg [3:0] row);
// Press Release LED
assign press_release_led = press_release;
// Declare press_release
reg press_release;
// Get 1msec One Cycle Pulse.
wire clk_1usec, clk_1msec;
clk_div_100 clk_div_1usec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_div_100(clk_1usec));
clk_div_1000 clk_div_1msec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_source(clk_1usec), .clk_div_1000_nedge(clk_1msec));
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) row = 4'b0001;
else if(clk_1msec && !press_release) row = {row[2:0], row[3]};
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) begin key_value = 0; press_release = 0; end
else if(clk_1msec && col) begin
press_release = 1;
case({row, col})
8'b0001_0001 : key_value = 4'h3;
8'b0001_0010 : key_value = 4'h2;
8'b0001_0100 : key_value = 4'h1;
8'b0001_1000 : key_value = 4'h0;
8'b0010_0001 : key_value = 4'h7;
8'b0010_0010 : key_value = 4'h6;
8'b0010_0100 : key_value = 4'h5;
8'b0010_1000 : key_value = 4'h4;
8'b0100_0001 : key_value = 4'hb;
8'b0100_0010 : key_value = 4'ha;
8'b0100_0100 : key_value = 4'h9;
8'b0100_1000 : key_value = 4'h8;
8'b1000_0001 : key_value = 4'hf;
8'b1000_0010 : key_value = 4'he;
8'b1000_0100 : key_value = 4'hd;
8'b1000_1000 : key_value = 4'hc;
default : key_value = key_value;
else press_release = 0;
// Clock Divider 100
module clk_div_100 (
input clk, reset_p,
output clk_div_100,
output clk_div_100_nedge, clk_div_100_pedge );
reg [6:0] count;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) count = 0;
else begin
if(count >= 99) count = 0;
else count = count + 1;
assign clk_div_100 = (count < 50)? 0 : 1;
edge_detector edge_detector_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_div_100), .p_edge(clk_div_100__pedge), .n_edge(clk_div_100_nedge));
// Clock Divider 1000
module clk_div_1000 (
input clk, reset_p,
input clk_source,
output clk_div_1000,
output clk_div_1000_nedge, clk_div_1000_pedge );
wire clk_source_nedge;
edge_detector edge_detector_0 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_source), .n_edge(clk_source_nedge));
reg [9:0] count;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) count = 0;
else if(clk_source_nedge) begin
if(count >= 999) count = 0;
else count = count + 1;
assign clk_div_1000 = (count < 500)? 0 : 1;
edge_detector edge_detector_1 (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .cp(clk_div_1000), .p_edge(clk_div_1000__pedge), .n_edge(clk_div_1000_nedge));
// Edge detector
module edge_detector (
input clk, reset_p,
input cp,
output p_edge, n_edge );
reg flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) begin flip_flop_current <= 0; flip_flop_old <= 0; end
else begin
flip_flop_current <= cp;
flip_flop_old <= flip_flop_current;
assign p_edge = ({flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old} == 2'b10)? 1 : 0;
assign n_edge = ({flip_flop_current, flip_flop_old} == 2'b01)? 1 : 0;
// Ring Counter of com
module ring_counter (
input clk, reset_p,
output reg [3:0] com );
// Get 1msec One Cycle Pulse.
wire clk_1usec, clk_1msec;
clk_div_100 clk_div_1usec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_div_100(clk_1usec));
clk_div_1000 clk_div_1msec (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .clk_source(clk_1usec), .clk_div_1000_nedge(clk_1msec));
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset_p) begin
if(reset_p) com = 4'b1110;
else if(clk_1msec) com = {com[2:0], com[3]};
// Decoder of 7-seg
module decoder_seg7 (
input [3:0] hex_value,
output reg [7:0] seg_7 );
always @(hex_value) begin
0 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_0011; //common anode, 0이 켜지는거임
1 : seg_7 = 8'b1001_1111; // 1
2 : seg_7 = 8'b0010_0101; // 2
3 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_1101; // 3
4 : seg_7 = 8'b1001_1001; // 4
5 : seg_7 = 8'b0100_1001; // 5
6 : seg_7 = 8'b0100_0001; // 6
7 : seg_7 = 8'b0001_1111; // 7
8 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_0001; // 8
9 : seg_7 = 8'b0000_1001; // 9
10 : seg_7 = 8'b0001_0001; // A
11 : seg_7 = 8'b1100_0001; // b
12 : seg_7 = 8'b0110_0011; // C
13 : seg_7 = 8'b1000_0101; // d
14 : seg_7 = 8'b0110_0001; // E
15 : seg_7 = 8'b0111_0001; // F
// FND Control
module fnd_cntr (
input clk, reset_p,
input [15:0] hex_value,
output [3:0] com,
output [7:0] seg_7 );
ring_counter ring_counter_com (.clk(clk), .reset_p(reset_p), .com(com));
reg [3:0] value;
always @(*) begin
case (com)
4'b1110 : value = hex_value [3:0];
4'b1101 : value = hex_value [7:4];
4'b1011 : value = hex_value [11:8];
4'b0111 : value = hex_value [15:12];
default : value = value;
decoder_seg7 decoder_7_segment (.hex_value(value), .seg_7(seg_7));