거북이처럼 천천히

Full adder 본문

Verilog/Verilog 연습

Full adder

유로 청년 2024. 6. 29. 22:55

1. Behavioral Modeling of Full adder


// Behavioral modeling of Full adder
module Full_adder_Behavioral_Modeling (
    input a, b, Cin,
    output reg sum, carry);
    always @(*) begin
        case({a, b, Cin}) 
            3'b000 : begin sum = 0; carry = 0; end
            3'b001 : begin sum = 1; carry = 0; end
            3'b010 : begin sum = 1; carry = 0; end
            3'b011 : begin sum = 0; carry = 1; end
            3'b100:  begin sum = 1; carry = 0; end
            3'b101 : begin sum = 0; carry = 1; end
            3'b110 : begin sum = 0; carry = 1; end
            3'b111 : begin sum = 1; carry = 1; end




<RTL Analysis>








2. Structural Modeling of Full adder


// Behavioral modeling of and gate.
module and_gate (
    input a, b,
    output reg out);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b}) 
            2'b00 : out = 0;
            2'b01 : out = 0;
            2'b10 : out = 0;
            2'b11 : out = 1;

// Behavioral modeling of xor gate.
module xor_gate (
    input a, b,
    output reg out);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b})
            2'b00 : out = 0;
            2'b01 : out = 1;
            2'b10 : out = 1;
            2'b11 : out = 0;

// Behavioral modeling of or gate.
module or_gate (
    input a, b,
    output reg out);
    always @(a, b) begin
        case({a, b}) 
            2'b00 : out = 0;
            2'b01 : out = 1;
            2'b10 : out = 1;
            2'b11 : out = 1;

// Structural modeling of half adder
module half_adder_Structural_Modeling (
    input a, b,
    output sum, carry);
    and_gate and0 (a, b, carry);
    xor_gate xor0 (a, b, sum);

// Structural modeling of Full adder
module Full_adder_Structural_Modeling(
    input a, b, Cin,
    output sum, carry);
    wire sum_0, carry_0, carry_1;
    half_adder_Structural_Modeling half0 (a, b, sum_0, carry_0);
    half_adder_Structural_Modeling half1 (Cin, sum_0, sum, carry_1);
    or_gate or0 (carry_0, carry_1, carry);




<RTL Analysis>








3. Dataflow Modeling of Full adder


module Full_adder_Dataflow_Modeling(
    input a, b, Cin,
    output sum, carry );
    wire[1:0] result = a + b + Cin;
    assign sum = result[0];
    assign carry = result[1];




<RTL Analysis>




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